About Me

My biography

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Diāna Jeļiņevska- Druka

Jeweler from Latvia

Something about me

My name is Diāna Jeļiņevska-Druka and I'm jeweler.

I was born in Riga, Latvia, in 1st December, 1973.
Graduated the Riga Applied Art College metalworking department.
Studied in the Florence jeweler school "Le Arti Orafe" geology and antique variety stone setting courses. I have experience of the painting works in Florence and Rome and I like to participate in art school group exhibitions.
Also I have personnel exibition in the Art gallery of Riga "Čiris".
Group exibitions in "Florence Dance Center" in Florence, in Roma "Incontri e Eventi",
in Poland, Legnica...
Jewelry are made from silver and gold, with semi - precious stones and precious stones.
Created jewelry are in private collections in Latvia, Europa, USA, Asia etc.